22:D “What Old Emotional Attachment Can I Let Go Of Today?” (Channeled Message From Archangel Raphael)

Today, in this NOW, I ask that you allow yourself the freedom to relax from your responsibilities, emotionally. Allow the flow of today’s events to happen without attachment. For when you do, you will receive the gift of contentment and peace. Even while there may be interference, know that you are still connected to us in the angelic realms, and pause briefly to allow the interference to pass. Part of these interferences are old thought-forms that are trying to persist in your energy field as you are clearing out all negativity.  (Yes, you are in the flow with I, Archangel Raphael.) Allow your inner wisdom and intuition to recognize the interferences, and allow them to release.

You need show no loyalty to old emotions for they are not of the NOW, for the NOW is where you can be fully healthy emotionally.  So many people cling to old emotions as if that is who they are now, when that is not who they are now, that is who they were. “Cutting cords” and emotional release means that the past must be let go, for who you were then is not who you are NOW. So many current efforts are throttled into non-materialization by the grip of your past upon your present.  You can cleanse yourself easily from the emotional past now because we of the angelic and benevolent galactic realms are showering down so much Light-Love and Love-Song upon Earth now, and we feel you waking up to your connection with us in what you would perceive as the higher realms, the realms where there is no time and no illusion. You are becoming liberated from your illusions now, but the emotional past keeps pulling you back into illusions. We want to help free you of that pattern.

I give you a simple mantra in the form of a question that you can begin to use to help free yourself: “What old emotional attachment can I let go of today?”

Please follow through during the course of each day to envision those cords that have bound you to past emotions snapping and breaking and releasing. Envision painful emotional thought-forms and feelings drifting away like a little grey cloud, and then envision us showering beautiful gold, silver, violet and white light upon that little grey cloud of emotion until you see in your mind that cloud break apart and turn into sparkling white light once again, back into its original divine state. Practice this exercise  whenever an old emotional feeling attracts your attention and distracts you from who you are NOW. Call upon us with your heart chakra and know that we will be there assisting you, for that is much of our focus presently, to assist you lovely souls of Earth to release yourselves from ancient emotional patterns of attachment and misguided loyalty to the emotional wounds from your past, and not just this life’s past, but emotional wounds from many, many past lives which are coming forward  presently  to be released.

The reason this is occurring so much to so many people is because of the journey of your world toward the galactic center, and as you solar system moves ever closer to the heart of the galaxy, there is more and more need for cleansing of negative emotional vibrations, for your sake, and for the sake of all beings residing in this galaxy, this heavenly realm. We in the angelic and galactic realms are moving ever closer to you upon Earth as you are moving ever closer to us of the higher-dimensional frequencies and vibrations. Eventually, we will all consciously meet, because your world will arrive at a point of emotional balance and health where we can openly, easily and visibly interact with each other once again.

The key understanding here is the word “visible,” for there has always been interaction, but because of the way that your bodies were designed and altered over the millennia, many of you have not been able to see us here with you. That is changing now, as your Sun and the heavenly realms have been instructed by All That Is to illuminate you once again, to enlighten you about your true divine nature. The experiment and illusion have come to its necessary conclusion, and I, Archangel Raphael, am happy to confirm to all of you that you have indeed been able to find your Love of Self and Love of All That Is, despite the massive illusionary world into which you agreed to descend. Now, with utter and complete certainty you know that you can descend into even the lowest of vibrations and drama, and still blindly find your way to re-connect with Source and Love, even when it  often does not to appear to be present. You had these experiences to recognize Love for what it is and what it is not. You have the experience now to trust in your intuitive feelings and you inner heart guidance.

Within the illusion of your passing reality, you have learned that awareness through many, many numerous lifetimes of trying all sorts of situations and perspectives and conditions in which to experiment with love: hiding it, pursuing it even though it was already inside you, banishing love, hurting and injuring love, and exalting love, until you have finally evolved to your current awareness that Love is always omnipresent and indestructible.

In this new and emerging reality, you are finding yourselves awakening to the next level of reality, which is a constant and aware state of your interaction with us of the higher vibrational experience, and this re-connection in your awareness, as you release from the old reality of illusion in which you so ardently played for so long, is helping to bring us into your visible spectrum once again. Many of you are already courageous enough to have shared this reconnection, and as the unstoppable wave of ascended awareness grows with each of your passing days, we will become more and more visible to all upon your world.

Do understand that there may be some beings upon your world who are having difficulty with accepting the larger universe within which you exist. This is why the Divine has prepared this exiting from the illusion at a slow and measured pace these many decades of your time, but as the population of souls here have been able to share amongst themselves with greater and greater ease, the overall planetary awareness has continued to climb, and we of the angelic and galactic realms are happy to acknowledge this increased vibration of your planet. This fact is even measurable by your science, a science which most of the galactic realms view as fairly primitive, because of its disconnection to spirit. This also, however, has changed as those within the field of quantum physics may attest to. The doors of perception continue to open further, and the spectrum of light that you will see and encounter will continue to broaden as your awareness increases.

The focus that we would most encourage at this time of NOW is to emotionally detach from your past. The reason is that this will bring about an emptiness and cleared space, which has been cleaned of old karma and old bondage, further allowing our reconnection to all of you to become visible to all on the planet, and thus allowing for spiritual and marvelous events and realities to arise anew that will give you the freedom to rejoin your soul families without having to leave your bodies.

This painful but grand experiment has a wonderful new reality in store for you, and it is not necessary to “shed the mortal coil” to participate in this wondrous and joyous series of events that will finally liberate you from the emotional bondage and wounds of your planetary past. This will allow All on your planet to rejoice, as together we all rise to meet each other, bringing Heaven to Earth, and Earth to Heaven.

With Great Love,

Archangel Raphael and your galactic guides

9 thoughts on “22:D “What Old Emotional Attachment Can I Let Go Of Today?” (Channeled Message From Archangel Raphael)”

  1. love this……..staying CURRENT  in your life……..and past life emotions.   The Buddha says all suffering comes from attachment….free from emotions that no longer apply or are habitual……..and no not serve you. FREEDOM!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you, Ingrid and James, for your beautiful understanding of the Buddha and the necessity of releasing old, non-serving emotions. I love the emotional code work that you do, too! Much, much love! ❤


  3. Hello, I was watching a video about ufo’s and there you were asking questions…so awesome… On Apr 20, 2017 9:58 AM, “Diary of A Strange Lad by Rick Keefe” wrote:

    > rickkeefe posted: “Today, in this NOW, I ask that you allow yourself the > freedom to relax from your responsibilities, emotionally. Allow the flow of > today’s events to happen without attachment. For when you do, you will > receive the gift of contentment and peace. Even while ” >

    Liked by 1 person

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