13:D Messages From An Extra-Terrestrial Ambassador and an Archangel (The Owl Incident Part Three)

Today, I am sharing a personal secret, and one of my main motivations for doing this is so that I can acclimate any of my friends, colleagues, and those interested in my personal journey to the strange but wonderful reality that I find myself immersed in. My reality, it has been pointed out to me, may be quite different from many of you, and the issues that I have been contemplating and exploring may seem very foreign to a large number of you. I am taking the time to create and share this very long article with you in hopes that it will create a base of understanding about my experiences connected to the Owl Incident, and to information shared with me through two psychic mediums whom I now trust wholeheartedly and implicitly. The information provided through the two mediums, who do not know each other and who live thousands of miles apart, came to me three years apart, with the second psychic medium unknowingly verifying key information provided by the first. And both psychic mediums were channeling extra-terrestrial collectives, each of which had one or several extra-terrestrial beings to whom I was introduced.

Back to my motivations for sharing this: I have been slowly writing a book on my philosophy about love, and I am now planning to include a large section in that book relating to inter-dimensional connections based in love and benevolence. One of my hopes with this article is to engage my friends, colleagues, and those interested in my personal journey to a large enough degree that they may consider reading my book when it is finished… whenever that is. Also, reading what I’ve written immerses some people, mostly younger ones, for the first time into the world of the metaphysical.

Another major motivation of mine is that after five and one half years of contemplating and experimenting, testing and living with this information as best as I could, and because of some highly unusual personal experiences and occurrences in my life (which I have yet to share in this blog), I have come to the conclusion that the information which was given to me by extra-terrestrials is very likely real in a larger sense than just my own personal reality.

In other words, what the extra-terrestrials have been sharing with me may apply in some way to your personal reality, too. One of those areas I am referencing here is reincarnation, and another area is that many higher-dimensional beings do in fact exist and can and do intervene in our third-dimensional reality in a benevolent way.

And so if by sharing this information some of you connect with this material, then I can begin to gather a foundation of open-minded, supportive people with whom I can share my personal journey. I am not seeking approval, but I am seeking some level of understanding from that segment of the public whom are open-minded and unafraid of the idea of extra-terrestrials and higher-dimensional beings interacting with us in a very real way. If by sharing this article I can strengthen this foundation and build an audience for my writing, then I will feel even more motivated to  continue to share my individual journey and perspectives, because I will know that at least some of you out there really get it. And in a way, I already know that, because of some of my close personal friendships. But there is a part of me that feels that this information could help a larger part of the world than just me and my close personal friends.

You don’t read a very lengthy article by someone who suspects that they just might be a human-extraterrestrial hybrid every day, do you? I have been resisting putting this information out because of personal worries about public ridicule, negative reactions and misunderstandings (which I have experienced with some relatives, friends and acquaintances), but this is what I have been leading up to with this blog and now I feel that I am finally ready, with the encouragement of my guides, to share much more of the information that I have gathered exploring the Owl Incident.

(this article takes about two hours to finish, but please keep on reading)

Continue reading 13:D Messages From An Extra-Terrestrial Ambassador and an Archangel (The Owl Incident Part Three)