Category Archives: portals

28:D A Gift from Your Sun (Channeled message from Archangel Metatron)

Hello and welcome!

This is an opportunity to re-connect, and for us to share with you what are the essentials of living in your current paradigm of illusions and ascending reality, a dualism that can make for a degree of confusion for many of you. We, the ascending galactic beings and the Angelic kingdom, stand on guard for you from the intentions of lower astral vibration beings who have interfered with your spiritual growth for eons. These are beings that prefer shadows to light, and prefer to operateĀ  in your world, hidden by secrecy, shadows and deception. Their truths about themselves are twisted by their inverted view of reality, in which they are the center of All. This is their delusion which they choose not to detach from, but instead operate within to a point of extinguishment. This shadow alliance wants to extinguish Light in the realms they live within, and they have tried for eons to spread their self-serving reality into yours. The time that the Universe has allowed for this type of abhorrent activity is nearing its inevitable end.

As the unsavory and self-serving behaviors continue towards maximum implosion within the ranks of their frequencies, their drive towards suicide and self-annihilation becomes more and more evident to the mostly-benign mass of Earth humanity, and slowly the sleepers are waking up to the realization that unseen realities do indeed exist and are impinging upon all four corners of your world, the genetic and spiritual amalgamation of hundreds of civilizations beyond your awareness which have inter-acted and help seed and develop your world. This grand experiment of bringing together so many divergent and varied races into one stirring pot has yielded so much to the growth of all involved, both benevolent and malevolent, but now all is reaching an epic turning point in which the grand design of your reality is vibrating higher and ascending into the currently invisible realms of the higher and benevolent dimensions of existence, where love and light are not interfered with and manipulated by lower vibrational thoughts, and actions, and entities.

Continue reading 28:D A Gift from Your Sun (Channeled message from Archangel Metatron)

27:D Harmony is the Goal (Channeled message from Archangel Metatron)

There exists in your realm on Earth much confusion regarding the connection between All That is, the Creator, the Source, and its connection to your individual consciousness and Soul. These are one and the same, for your Soul is an intrinsic part of All That Is. This connection is intrinsic and is all about Love. There is absolutely a direct connection between Source and every atom and molecule of all creation, for all time, in every space of this and other universes, for infinity. This language used here is an attempt to illustrate that nothing can ever be disconnected from Divine Source: everything is always directly connected to the Creator at all times, for everything is a creation of the Creator,Ā  All That Is. Within the infinity of creation are all levels of light frequencies and sound vibrations, and the infinite diverse combination of these creates the variety of the universe.

What is beautiful is when the various varieties of life gain enough conscious awareness of Love and Light that they begin to applaud that diversity and those differences between themselves and all others, and to celebrate that variety and diversity, by creating an ongoing, second-by-second basis of connection in the now moment, an Acceptance of All, and then act with intention to allow and create harmony between all creation.

Continue reading 27:D Harmony is the Goal (Channeled message from Archangel Metatron)

18:D Strange Incident on Thursday June 23rd 2016

As I pulled out of the driveway by myself in the jeep to go to work at about 11am, I saw a black rectangular object fall from the sky; it was about four or five feet from hitting the ground where my eyes first noticed it, and just as suddenly, the black oblong object hit the ground with a thud, raising dust, and so I looked to see what had just fallen from the sky. It was a black book. I focused my eyes in on the book, which had fallen with the cover face up, with the words inscribed in gold letters “Holy Bible.”

My reaction was one of shock. While I was getting out of the jeep that I parked off away from the middle of the street, I saw Maritza just coming out of the door next to her mom’s white car. I walked over to the bible, picked it up as Maritza walked toward me. She remarked that I had a very perplexed look on my face, and so I told her what had just happened. I put the bible in her hands so she could see for herself what it was.

Maritza knows that I do not have a deep connection with the Bible. I have only read bits and pieces of it, knowing that it was altered and key elements, especially about reincarnation, were left out of it since the Council of Nicea. So, Maritza handed it back to me, and after we exchanged remarks about how astonishing this all was, we gave each other a kiss, and I got back in the jeep and drove off to work.

I couldn’t understand why this had just happened or how. Since it had landed near the back of the Ford pickup, I figured that maybe somebody had left it on the corner of the back of the pickup and it had fallen, but what I saw was a black rectangular object falling perfectly flat to the ground. From how high it was when my eye caught view of it and from the edge of the pickup if someone had actually left it there, if the book had fallen from the pickup, then the book would have fallen with some part of the book angling down first, not flat like I had seen. Those four or five feet I saw it falling perpendicular to the ground. Besides, Maritza had just come in from near the truck after walking the dogs, and had walked past the truck and not seen the Bible on the truck, so it is doubtful that it was even resting on the truck. And how likely is it that someone would place a bible on the back of the pickup, Maritza would walk past without noticing it, then just as I have finished backing out of the driveway, and started to go forward, how likely is it that I would see a flat rectangular object fall straight to the ground, landing flat with a thud, raising some dust, and be a book with its cover face up so I could see that it read “Holy Bible” from the jeep in the street? Not very likely. But it is even less likely that it just fell from the sky, right?


I was like, “Holy shit! What the f**k!” So when I get to work, I find it is the King James version, which I really do not like, so I am thinking, “If the angels sent this as a message to me, why would they pick the King James version, which I don’t care for?” Then, I opened up to the first page and there was an inscription to Christina and I think the other name was Savannah (I’ll check on Monday when I go back to work, which is where I left it), and the inscription said that this gift was for “forgiveness.” So, like I do with all books, I closed the book, meditated, and then opened the book to a random page and starting reading. The page was at Leviticus 19, which I just looked up on the net to remind myself, and it says, “The Lord said to Moses, ‘Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them, ‘Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy.'”

I am in no way religious or a bible thumper, but that is just outright strangeness, don’t you think? So I told my friend Bruce and my friend Jaime, and although both found it odd, neither was too surprised at this point, knowing that high strangeness is common to my life. Bruce reminded me that magic happens all the time, and Jaime admitted that she has been studying the archangels with some dedication lately, too. Maritza and I are still scratching our heads over this one, but somehow, the word on the inscription page “forgiveness” seems to me like the key message. Maybe the message is that we should just extend “forgiveness” to everyone, and let go of our old hostile attitudes. And maybe we should also start to use umbrellas more often, in case bibles falling from the sky gets to be a regular occurrence!

17:D Honoring Gaia and The Angel Catch

by Rick Keefe, with significant contributions by Maritza Keefe, Jaime Gould, Rachel Provo-Dashkiwsky, Mollie Chivington, Ian Nilram, with special astrological material by Laura Walker, and special channeled material via Natalie Glasson and Isis-Neith Shanti


Part One: Our Group Experience

How Our Group came Together; Rachel’s Vision of a Sacred Circle; The Drive to Vail; Preparing to go into the Circle; The Blessed Water; The Ceremony in the Sacred Circle; The Drive to the Creek; The Hike in the Dark Down to Cienaga Creek; The Angel Catch; Offering Water in the Creek with Spirits All Around Us; Climbing Back Out; The Return

Part Two: How My Mind Dealt With the Angel Catch

The Next Five Days; Spiritual Support; Jaime’s Revelation; Rachel’s Sacred Gatherings

Part Three: Contemplations

Contemplations about the Angel Catch and Gaia; Guidance April 9, 2015; Channeling of Archangel Metatron May 17, 2016; Channeling Mother Earth June 6, 2016

Part One: Our Group Experience


When a group of people get together with benevolent intentions for a sacred purpose, magic can happen, and it can happen for you.

Our group began to come together midway into 2014 through a spiritual support group that some of us still attend once a month under the high ceilings in the back of a small candle company in Tucson. The shop is named Mystic Candles and Metaphysical, created and managed by a charismatic young woman named Mollie.


Mystic Candles and Metaphysical in Tucson, Arizona

Originally from Alabama, Mollie is a very hard working southern belle with a sweet, genuine smile that can put anyone at ease. She has managed to bring together under one roof many different spiritual disciplines and practices. Her store’s monthly calendar is regularly filled with educational and spiritually-related events, workshops and personal one-on-one sessions.

(This article takes over two hours to read, but please keep reading)

Continue reading 17:D Honoring Gaia and The Angel Catch

8:D Faeries and Portals (Part 1)

So many very special events happened to me over the last two weeks, but one special occurrence that involves a couple photographs, particularly one, compels me to write an article so that I may share this photo with any of you who are interested in metaphysics and multi-dimensionality. As events unfolded, I wanted to share each step of a process in trying to get the photo to be seen by large numbers of people who I believe may find a real value and gain insight and wisdom from seeing the subject of the photo, which I feel and believe is a FAERIE spirit. I almost missed it while I was downloading and sorting through the few photos that I managed to take on the trip. I was so busy in the moment with people that I barely took any photos. I did also get an hour of nature video that I have not looked over yet, so who knows what’s there.

My original intention on the trip was to capture nature video with my higher-end professional grade video camera for Crystal Children Volume Three, hope for UFOs up close at the nightly campfires, but I never expected to capture a photo like the FAERIE photo at all. I didnā€™t even have a camera for taking still photos until my friend Ingrid gave me the Kodak C195 for my trip to Mount Shasta. Thank you for the camera, Ingrid; it was already so special because you gave it to me with such love, but now itā€™s even more blessed.

Also, I should mention that as I have done videography over the years, I have had some strange ability to capture anamolies, like the time I was filming a friend who is a healer during one of her healing sessions with a client, and the camera captured some of that healing energy. And the fact that I do Asclepian lightwork and behave as a conduit for higher dimensional healing energies creates a proclivity for interacting well with higher dimensional energies that sometimes translate to photographic images.

(please continue reading to see the original full faerie photo…)

Continue reading 8:D Faeries and Portals (Part 1)