Category Archives: trust

10:D Trust Your Own Inner Voice (Channeled Message from Archangel Metatron)

Feel into Me; feel into My Essence. Hear my Voice. I allow all blocks to be removed. You may push forward into action once again, having complete faith in Our connection. Several key events have demonstrated to you, in no uncertain terms, the reality of Our connection. We know that you have trust and faith in Our connection Now. This connection will remain unbroken and eternal. We are your angelic guides, and I Am The Metatron, for I am more than a mere personality. I connect with you to the Great Oneness of All.

I feel you quested for a subject, but the subject that I wish to bring to you at present is connection. Just as you have helped numerous people connect to their guides, I Am here to help you connect further with Me. You may let go of your worries regarding the mental evaluations of others regarding your capacity, for Our connection supersedes all their doubt. You no longer have doubt, and this is so beneficial, not to just yourself, but to all those you come in contact with, for that certainty and knowing spill out of you like a fountainhead, splashing upon all directions around you into the physical realm. You have allowed the fountain to flow for this lifetime you are now leading. This message confirms Our connection and its Reality. This connection is centered in Love and Trust, of which you are continually replenishing.

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