25:D Expand your lives into our realities where we may share together in peace and harmony

The temptation to diminish your own light is often around you in various thought-forms, created by beings that seek to have control over all of you. Whether  you as an individual choose to engage those thought-forms as your own is the question.

Do you want to identify yourself  and your world with negative self-images, or do you want to engage in positive and benevolent forms of thought?

The answer to this question is a fuel which you may use to help manifest the reality that you see before your eyes.  We of the higher realms wish to encourage you to choose benevolent and positive self-images and focus, even while staying neutral, detached and serenely aware of the polarities in this existence that you share together on Earth. For now, Earth is your university, but like all students, you are to graduate and move on and expand your education even further.

Now, with “Oumuamua” traversing through your galaxy, unaffected by the gravitational pulls of the celestial objects it passes by, you are given certain and very real indications of life throughout the universe, but again this is your choice of whether to recognize the greater scope of your existence, or to continue to try to confine your consciousness within  a very limiting box, where negativity and polarity reign, and where you feel that you are the only sentient beings living in the entire infinite universe.

The wake-up calls that you have been demanding have been offered once again, but will you rise to meet this fresh understanding, or will you once again obey the demands of your oppressors and negate this awakening so that your minds may continue to be controlled, and so that you may continue to live in denial and ignorance of your brothers and sisters throughout space and alternate dimensions of reality?

How long will you allow those who have committed the greatest crimes to lead you?

How long will you deny the divinity within yourselves?

How long will you identify yourself with limits, and degrade your own self-worth?

How long will you diminsh yourselves so much that you can’t bear the idea of interacting with advanced and benevolent beings?

What you are seeing with “Oumuamua”  is an extra-terrestrial spacecraft at a certain level of technology. Within the interior of the geological object which constitutes the exterior of the object “Oumuamua,” there exists (within that celestial object) a hollowed out, technological propulsion system and facilities, upon which a collective of certain extra-terrestrial races reside as they travel through this galaxy. They may or may not be benevolent to you, from your point of view, yet they do exist, and have existed in your galaxy for many hundreds of millions of years. Their designs and goals may not necessarily be beneficial for those of you upon Earth, and yet this “Oumuamua”  is most certainly a scientifically manufactured and reality-based spacecraft, operated by intelligent beings whose origins are not from Earth. Therefore, if we may be so bold, this is the kind of evidence of which you seek to clarify for yourselves in your own minds the undeniable reality of life on other worlds. Whether these particular beings are benevolent, neutral or hostile remains for you to discover.

And yet, just as “Oumuamua” exists, and just as the beings that are operating within that spacecraft do exist in your reality, so do many other species and alliances of extra-terrestrial beings exist throughout your galaxy and the billions upon billions of galaxies of which you are already scientifically aware, that  are beyond your world in all directions.

A question you may ponder upon is: when will you begin as individuals acting openly and with honesty to your deeper awareness that beings of all kinds do in fact exist outside the scope of your current reach?

When will you allow for the fact that you are not the most technologically advanced nor spiritually advanced race of beings in the universe?

Does this certain knowledge humble you? Do you feel as if you should diminish yourself and your value because you are not the pre-eminent species in the universe, or does this awareness of other beings in the universe bring you joy and gladness, filling your minds with wondrous opportunities to share, travel and learn from beings throughout the cosmos around you?

We  would like to suggest that you begin today to create an expanded space within your minds and consciousness to allow for a much, much larger reality to unfold into your world, for we of the benevolent persuasion have much we would like to share and offer to you and your world, most especially our love for you and your planet. Yes, we must also share with you that there are those in existence who are hostile to you, your world and your existence, and many of these are engaged in a collective which has intruded into your reality, and has, through your own free will, been allowed to operate just outside your physically limited sight, and have engaged in a form of ownership and slavery over you and your world. However, as your world and solar system begin your return towards the center of the galaxy, that physical veil that prevents your seeing their existence is lifting. You may be shocked by what you see, and who you see operating behind the curtains, so to speak.

Yet, above and beyond the influence of those extra-terrestrial beings who are hostile to you exist many hundreds of thousands of races of intelligent and benevolent beings of all kinds, not just galactic but what you may term as “elemental” and “angelic” and “inter-dimensional,” who want only the most joyous and loving experiences for you and your planet of beings. For you are also a part of us already, and we care for you as we would our own children and brothers and sisters, equal to us in spiritual worth, and connected to us by the breath of All That Is. We are also here, and want to to let you know that we are also real, and do in fact exist. We may not necessarily need vehicles like “Oumuamua” or spaceships in order to move about the universe, although many of us do use physical forms of transportation, many more of us do not, for we have found more spiritually-suited methods for re-location and even bi-location.

This message today is simply a reminder that you can choose to expand your awareness with the evidence that continues to mount that you are not alone in this universe. We wish to suggest that you remind yourselves of this every day, for this will allow for our energies to begin to manifest more prominently in your reality, and at some point in the very near future, you will be able to expand your lives into our realities which we may share together in peace and harmony, for we have already found many avenues and methods to rise above those extra-terrestrial beings of lower expression, so that they no longer have any negative impact upon us at all. We know that you as souls have chosen a series of lifetimes and experiences on Earth in order to produce powerful spiritual lessons for your inner selves, and that those lessons have now come to a point of graduation and expansion.

We are here to award you with that diploma of awareness, and offer you the permanent opportunity to connect and join with us in peace and harmony, as you take the next quantum leap forward and upward in you evolutionary spiral, and begin integrating your world with the rest of your solar system, your galaxy and your multi-verse.

We are overjoyed to have you amongst us, conscious and aware, once again. Please choose to nurture this awareness in a daily way, and begin acting in faith and trust of its true reality, and this will help manifest all the loving benefits that come with this awareness sooner than later.

We welcome you to your universe. May you play and love to your heart’s contentment.

With infinite love,

Your galactic brothers and sisters of the stars

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