Tag Archives: divine

17:D Honoring Gaia and The Angel Catch

by Rick Keefe, with significant contributions by Maritza Keefe, Jaime Gould, Rachel Provo-Dashkiwsky, Mollie Chivington, Ian Nilram, with special astrological material by Laura Walker, and special channeled material via Natalie Glasson and Isis-Neith Shanti


Part One: Our Group Experience

How Our Group came Together; Rachel’s Vision of a Sacred Circle; The Drive to Vail; Preparing to go into the Circle; The Blessed Water; The Ceremony in the Sacred Circle; The Drive to the Creek; The Hike in the Dark Down to Cienaga Creek; The Angel Catch; Offering Water in the Creek with Spirits All Around Us; Climbing Back Out; The Return

Part Two: How My Mind Dealt With the Angel Catch

The Next Five Days; Spiritual Support; Jaime’s Revelation; Rachel’s Sacred Gatherings

Part Three: Contemplations

Contemplations about the Angel Catch and Gaia; Guidance April 9, 2015; Channeling of Archangel Metatron May 17, 2016; Channeling Mother Earth June 6, 2016

Part One: Our Group Experience


When a group of people get together with benevolent intentions for a sacred purpose, magic can happen, and it can happen for you.

Our group began to come together midway into 2014 through a spiritual support group that some of us still attend once a month under the high ceilings in the back of a small candle company in Tucson. The shop is named Mystic Candles and Metaphysical, created and managed by a charismatic young woman named Mollie.


Mystic Candles and Metaphysical in Tucson, Arizona

Originally from Alabama, Mollie is a very hard working southern belle with a sweet, genuine smile that can put anyone at ease. She has managed to bring together under one roof many different spiritual disciplines and practices. Her store’s monthly calendar is regularly filled with educational and spiritually-related events, workshops and personal one-on-one sessions.

(This article takes over two hours to read, but please keep reading)

Continue reading 17:D Honoring Gaia and The Angel Catch

15:D Sharing My Process For Communicating With One’s Guides

First, it is important to release all your fears, doubt and worries, and with controlled three-step breathing (exhale-pause-inhale), put yourself into as relaxed an emotional state as possible, filled with trust that you are protected by your guides and your higher self.

Next, you can visualize and imagine a column, pillar or sphere of golden and white light surrounding you, enveloping you and protecting you, as you visualize yourself in the center of this protective, purifying loving and conscious Light. No harm can come to you in the Light. All your fears are now completely dissolved, and you can fully connect now to your guides.

Give permission that only the most benevolent and loving energies in the multiverse may connect with you and work with you during your connection and communication with Spirit. Feel love and trust and pure benevolent intentions fill up your request. Wait thirty seconds or so while you allow these loving energies to come up around you.

Remain watchful for self-sabotage. If at any time you feel out of resonance with the process, then discontinue. If at any time you feel afraid, then discontinue. If at any time you feel yourself imagining in a negative direction, then discontinue. The key is to bring from your heart center as much trust and love and benevolent feelings as possible, and you will attract the same, while you are in the space of protection and love that you have created for yourself.

Once your visualizations and breathing and intentions are working together in harmony, and your feelings are calm and loving and peaceful, and you have complete confidence in the process, then you may begin to communicate with the higher-dimensional, benevolent beings. At this point, simply wait… and listen with your mind and heart together, balanced and open. You may begin to get a thought or feeling that comes into your awareness that doesn’t seem like it is coming from you entirely, or from you at all. If it continues to feel benevolent, write it down, or type it at your keyboard, or speak it into your voice recorder. Most of us don’t have perfect recall of the exact conversations that we have, so I feel it is important to record it in the most authentic, exact and precise phrasing that comes through to you, unaltered except for post-connection spelling corrections and such.

For me, I tend towards automatic writing. I will hear the communication from my guides in the form of inspirational thought or telepathy, sometimes but rarely accompanied by images, often accompanied by feelings of amazement and happiness about what is coming through in the communication. Try to listen only, and not feed your mind with your own thoughts. Stay neutral, receptive and alert. Trust the good intentions of your guides.

If any vibrations other than pure love and protection arise, then allow your heart to tell you if you feel any dissonance or out-of-resonance feelings, which if you have done the steps above, almost never happens in a good connection. However, if out-of-resonance feelings do occur, then break the connection and fill yourself and your space with more loving white and gold light, and call immediately upon your loving guides and angels for protection, and trust that they hear your call and will come immediately to your side in protection.

If all is flowing well, and the telepathic and heart resonance connection feels strong, just allow the words and thoughts to come pouring out of you, just like stream-of-consciousness poetry. Try not to filter the words, or slow down, or edit, or focus too much on what you have just received. Stay in the moment and continue to allow the thoughts and words and concepts and ideas and advice to flow out, while remaining in your neutral, carefully-listening state of awareness.

Eventually, your guides will give you a sign of closure, and you will recognize that the communication has completed for this session. After thanking your guides, you may now go back and begin to review what came through, and attend to your spelling corrections. Try to modify the transmitted information as little as possible, or not at all, even if it doesn’t make sense now. Often, the messages will take on greater meaning at points in the future.

Once you have done your first session, you will feel more confident for another, and I encourage you to try again within one day to add confidence.

My best wishes for your safe and clear communication with your guides.

Peace and Love, Rick

5:D identity, past-lives and who we are

Consider the concept that during the course of your day, you are encountering ascended masters and extra-terrestrial beings regularly, but that you might not be able to tell them from their appearance. Nevertheless, these masters and higher-dimensional beings may present themselves right in front of you, without your even knowing who they really are.

One of them may begin to carry on a conversation with you, and you may be none the wiser, not consciously aware of their true, divine nature, for this divine being may be there simply to observe your responses and gauge your vibrations and light, maybe even helping to raise your frequency. And all the while you may be thinking that the person is just the homeless man carrying his plastic bags of dumpster-diving salvage, or maybe the uppity, bitchy lady dressed in furs, or maybe a barefooted hippie with a psychedelic afro. Yet, in the greater universal reality, the body that the ascended master has assumed for his travels visiting you that day on Earth might be the same to him as a pair of pants and a shirt that you or I would put on and wear.

Continue reading 5:D identity, past-lives and who we are